The end of MaryLand

Petty adventures at the World's end


Politics - Calling all Michiganders

Ok, so this is going out to everyone I know in Michigan... .. (and any I don't)

First off, I cannot believe I am doing this.. I am sorry for the pandering, but frankly I can't in good conscience not do this. If I am doing this to strangers you all get it too...So here goes:

I support Barack Obama for the Democratic Nomination for President.
I am not naive.
I am not ignorant to the challenges that face this candidate or this country.
I am not duped into some sort of 'Personality Cult.'
I am hopeful.
I am excited and hungry for a change.
I am tired of politics which decry one side as evil, and one as good.
I do not want to live with any more 'You are with us or against us' mentalities.
I feel this is the very best action I can take for my child
I want her to thrive
I want her to be able to hope
This is why I support positive change
This is why I support Barack Obama.

I am certain that you all know me, know that I don't do this, but here I am. So, please check out the following:

There you can join the almost 1 million people who are a part of this movement... 1,000,000...

This is really way way to important to go undone.

Then if you think you might,
contact our esteemed Michigan leaders: Senators Levin and Stabenow, and Governor Granholm, and urge that Michigan either be given a true primary with all candidates represented, or ask that our delegates stay home.

I'm sorry, for the bother.. but I can't not do this...


ok... so let's get political..

OK, money scares me. I have an intense dislike for the stuff... well actually, I kinda like the fact that it gets me things, but finance -- it is my enemy. That said, campaign finances naturally freak me the fuck out. It is just so huge... and so expensive all these millions and millions (or in some cases thousands and thousands (Sen. Gravel I am talking to you...)) flowing in and out. It is disturbing on an emotional level. I just never saw the point, I mean honestly, what good does my $50, $100 or even maxxed out $2300 do against Halliburton's Gagillions...honestly, what a pipe dream right? You know, a little known fact is that I once gave to a campaign, (during the '92 Harkin primary run), but I was younger, in college and much more naive, and I was pretty certain, would never happen again.

Then came today. I am proud(ish) to say (or taken aback?) that I made my second political contribution today, to Sen Obama's campaign -- and it was a much grander gesture than my prior (naive?) attempt (no disrespect to Sen. Harkin...but it was college and 10 bucks meant more back then any way).....

Regardless, inflation notwithstanding, this donation means more I think. More than the simple dollar value, the fact that I gave in to the hope, that I feel truly connected to something positive, something i can be (dare I say?) proud of.

I am proud to say that I joined with the thousands of people who are giving such tiny amounts, to affect a change. I have never before actually seen such simple evidence of individuals making a difference. The last time I checked, the 2/3 of the contributions to the Obama campaign were from individuals -- compared to 14% of Sen. Clinton's. This number speaks to the voice of the individual, as well as to the belief that Sen. Obama gives us voice.

Even more amazing is that since this morning when the Clinton campaign disclosed that Hillary herself had loaned the campaign $5 million dollars and sent out a call to raise 3 million more in the next 3 days, Obama supporters (i guess i could just say we) decided to match that $3 million and in fact doubled it in less than 24 hours (breaking a record previously held by ron paul (sorry for your loss Mr Paul)).

So to sum up, it is not so much the fact that I gave money, hell I will make more of it, it is the fact that I can break down, move past the fear and pessimism and maybe, just maybe hope... oh the audacity.....

you know what.... what the hell, I'm a sucker for a motto...

yes we can.....



like an art van furniture sale...

here is my new lame attempt to write something worth writing.. if nothing else to at least put forth some small small small effort to keep current-ish..

not to much to say though most everything in my life has changed...funny that eh?
on the eve of moving again (in a good way though), new job (in a fucking sweet sweet way), new friends, new dog, new new new...

yeah it all seems to be going ok doesn't it.. i am trying to stay right sized about all of this .... and so far it works... but you never know... i mean christ, i haven't been in, or threatened with jail once this year... something is wrong..... hahahaha ha (er... i wish it were funny)...



one of these days

so I am not quite done... how erratic eh? I can go for like 6 months with nothing to say and then now...

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.... I have this sneaking suspicion (fear?) that I may not want to be anything. I try really hard to not be defined by my occupation, but that is easier said than done (for me anyways). I had this friend that would try to get me to admit that I was more than what I did for a living, but it just never stuck. I can see it with other people, but fuck, I get some crappy job and the next thing I know I am trapped. I know that I spent a ton of time looking at jobs tonight, but I fear that I may have pigeon-holed myself here into some craptastic career, which word I really hesitate to use, as it does signify some long term goals. The thing is, I look at some of the opportunities out there, and I have serious doubts about whether or not I could handle them. I mean at one point I knew a bunch of stuff, but I really haven't had to pull that stuff out in a while, not too mention some of the damage I may have done to myself over my last couple years out there (and I was out there). All I know is that I don't want to be broke all the time. I would like to have something to show for all the work I do... and maybe, just maybe (don't tell anyone) be happy.

Which is really the point here. At what point in our history did it become not just important, but even an option to be happy in our work. I don't think that they thought about how happy they were out on their little house on the prairie (if you know what I mean). When did good enough stop being good enough? You know? Its this weird curse of privilege I think. I think honestly if I was raised knowing that I would die if I didn't farm this land I probably would be a farmer. That's not how I grew up though.. I grew up thinking I could be whatever I wanted to be... they just never told me that I had to choose. Nothing brings this shit up, like looking for work though, god, I am such a spoiled brat sometimes....

better late than never...

or something is better than nothing? i don't know, it has just been a really really long time. Apparetnly I have follow through issues or someting. I ran out of internet (and moved) and then just kinda never got it back... any ways.. it's been a bit. Lots and lots has happened lately but it seems like nothing has happened you know? Maybe that is the real excuse here. I never really have anything to say. I mean christ things happen... (and how) but i just can't seem to translate them... ie. I came back from London a couple of weeks ago and people say, "How was London?" and I say "OK." That's it period (did you notice the period?) so whatever. Maybe I am just taking things easy... or maybe I am avoiding. I did spend a large chunk of time looking at jobs tonight, and a smaller chunk of time looking at grad schools, and a medium chunk of time googling people I know or have known.... oh well progress.. . . i will do better...

check out the flickr for some london photos. It was OK... (actually it was freaking awesome, but you know...)



so its been a bit. apparently i fall short on the consistency standard. but in my defense my internet access has been limited lately.. funny how they turn that stuff off when you don't pay... any ways.. its December... funny how the time flies.. and its cold too..

so i think i may be losing some faith. i mean really michigan, do you really want to go down this road with me? i missed a payment in july by like 18 hours (according to the state- who actually did not inform me of a processing delay... so actually i spent the money on time...) and thus my driving privleges have been suspended... since july!! of course i would have no way of knowing this unless they sent me a notice or say pulled me over randomly... guess what happened to me.... (no mail yet...) any ways apparently i have been brazenly defying the state for several months and i get to end up with a possible misdemeanor, which carries possible jail time... i spoke with a woman today and said 'its real frustrating to be facing some jail time when i really didn't do anything wrong..' she said yes she agreed but really couldn't do anything about it... Say yes to Michigan!

The whole point is that it is really really ridiculous. i am to the point where i think i will no longer do business with this state. i mean really if my cell phone company did this, or kroger or what not i would end my patronage of their business.... soooooo.... i mean there is all this talk of the horrors of the mid 20's to 30's college educated types leaving the state for better opportunities..... hmmmm.....



so there was this movie.. and i was watching it.. and while it is not important what i was watching or even why for that matter (which makes it less important, the what...) i began to think about being twelve. i don't remember much about being that age, which may be a prime indicator that it was a pretty great time. i mean don't get me wrong, i don't have a total black out concerning my youth, but i cant think to myself 'ah remember when i was such and such age and i did so and so..' it kinda all blends together into young and younger... it actually is a lot of work to try and figure out how old i was when i did what... any ways the point is i was watching this movie and then thought about how at the end of The Body (or Stand By Me if you'd rather) the line comes out about never having friends like you did when you were 12... now for whatever reason (i wasn't watching SBM by the way) i got on this thought and i really don't think i had that great of a time of it..again recalling things in a broad way (what i think of as 12 is most likely 11 - 14 for all attempts).... any ways i mean i had some friends but nothing like that... they came later.. maybe this is why i am such a twelve year old now... i am reliving that which i did not live before... or at least i was.

now what i did manage to draw out of this whole debacle was that yeah maybe the 12 (or 13) year old friend bond is special and magical, blah blah to some people, but i really think that what i miss most is the being in love. you know i wish sometimes that i could be in love like i was then. of course now, looking back one may say it wasn't love i mean christ there was nothing but the awful possibility of a slow dance or a note.... but maybe that's why its so attractive. at that age i was both innocent and indestructible at the same time. i guess maybe i long for that same feeling.. the whole burning love, for loves sake... there was no other agenda, at least not for me.. i didn't know enough then... and maybe that wasn't so bad ... you know, to be just a little stupid, a little naive... i guess i have to disagree with mr stewart... when he says he wishes he knew what he knows now when he was younger... in fact i may offer the following... i wish i still knew what i did then... and no more...

any ways, i ramble...



well i guess there is a point here ..... not that appetizing though ...

in all honesty i think i must be the world's worst blogger... i think i fall short on the consistency scale... lots of stuff going on though... work work work work... got a new car which entails work work work work but its good i think...its gratitude month... gotta stay grateful i guess...